contract 4460 Watervale Road Manlius, New York 13104 (315) 317-8222 FACE BOOK: VonSila Kennels WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] 2022/2023 ALL PUPPIES ARE SOLD AS AKC LIMITED REGISTRATION THERE ARE NO BREEDING RIGHTS ON ANY PUP BREEDER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SALE AT ANY TIME BREEDER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MANAGE OR CHANGE BREEDING PAIR AT ANY TIME Seller: VONSILA KENNELS, LLC (“VonSila”) Buyer: Address: E-Mail: Phone: Date: DESCRIPTION OF DOG This dog/puppy is sold pursuant to the terms of this Contract as follows: Color: Sex: Dam: VonSila’s Sire: VonSila’s Page 1 PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR VETERINARIAN INFORMATION BELOW: Name: Address: Email: Phone: Page 2 SELLER’S REPRESENTATIONS The following representations and conditions apply to the sale of the aforementioned dog/puppy: As of said date of this Contract. The dog/puppy is in good health and free of communicable disease. VonSila states that upon delivery, the dog/puppy is in good health and has been immunized and wormed according to the attached health records. STIPULATIONS (Pet Puppy Agreement) This dog/puppy is being sold for the use as a family pet. The dog/puppy is sold on an AKC Limited Registration, and is to be spayed/neutered no earlier than two (2) years of age. If said dog is spayed/neutered under two (2) years of age, all guarantees and/or replacements will be null and void. A spay/neuter certificate is required to be sent to breeder. All responsibilities, financial and otherwise for spay/neuter are the Buyers responsibility. Do not spay or neuter before two years of age. A large breed neutered dog has 10X the HD, 30X the bone cancer risks and much higher rates of all other autoimmune diseases and temper neurosis than their unneutered counterparts. Hormones are essential in assisting with the proper growth of the brain and bones of an animal This stud or bitch puppy is being held with AKC Limited Registration. If puppy/dog is found to produce puppies outside of said agreement/ a $10,000.00 legal action will be filed in Onondaga County, New York. Buyer will be responsible for all legal costs of action. Buyer’s Initials: Date: Page 3 PUPPY FEES This dog/puppy is being sold for the sum of $. A non-refundable, but certainly transferrable deposit of $500.00 is required to hold your puppy pick and will be deducted from the sum of the puppy. ** 7 to 14 days post-birth, the balance of the pup is to be paid in full. If it is not received in the identified timeframe, the pup will be released. If you are not able to take the puppy and have paid in full, the funds will be returned, excluding the deposit, 60 days from notification. Buyers Initials Date DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE ** if you pass on a pup that is available to you, via your choice, your deposit will be good for one (1) year from the rejection date. After said date, the deposit will be null and void. Buyers Initials Date: Methods of payment for deposits only are: DEPOSITS: (1) certified bank check, (2) MC &/or VISA, Discover FINALPAYMENT: (1) personal checks (2) certified bank check NO Credit Card transactions for final payments Page 4 LEAVE NOTICE & LATE PICK-UP POLICY Buyer is advised that puppy must be picked-up or arrangements made for transport within three (3) days after Seller gives notice that puppy is available to leave. If puppy is not picked-up or arrangements made for transport by the end of that three (3) days, there will be a daily charge of $45.00 for up to five (5) days and no puppy will be released unless full payment of your balance is made.If after that five (5) days, Buyer has made no arrangements, the puppy will no longer be available to Buyer or if circumstances arise wherein the Buyer is no longer interested in or unable to take the puppy, Seller must be notified immediately by Buyer upon receiving notice that the puppy is available to leave and deposit will not be refunded or transferable to another litter. Buyer is also responsible for the costs of shipping, the health certificate from a veterinarian and purchase of a crate, which will be the approximate combined cost of $400.00 to $500.00, and all such prices are subject to change and must be paid prior to shipping. SELLER/BUYER’S LIABILITY Seller has performed either PennHIP or OFA testing on both Sire and Dam verifying said dogs are HD free. Bitches and Studs will only be bred having a passing “PennHIP” score for breeding. Puppies will be sold with the following: AKC Paperwork Copy of Contract First Vaccination at six (6) weeks Copies of Sire/Dam Health Reports to include: PennHIP Report Worming – Panacur or Strongid*/Some worming products may be sent home to ensure proper coverage. ** if bitch is on preventative, no worming will be needed. This VonSila puppy is guaranteed to be healthy upon delivery or pick-up. Puppies will be UTD on shots and worming. All pups are sold with Limited AKC registration and a one year hip health warranty for genetic hip dysplasia only. If pup is diagnosed by breeder vet, OFA vet with severe hip dysplasia within the aforementioned time frame, a replacement puppy will be given to the buyer free of charge. At no time will monetary funds be provided. *** Buyer must provide OFA documentation that reflects severe hip dysplasia. Buyers Initials Date Page 5 Said Buyer has FOUR (4) business days from puppy pick up to have the VonSila puppy/dog examined by his/her licensed veterinarian and to personally inspect the dog. If said Buyer is dissatisfied at that time, (within the four (4) business day time-period), Buyer must immediately contact Seller. Seller will review problems with Buyer’s and Seller’s veterinarians, and Buyer can return the puppy to the Seller for a refund (minus seller’s veterinary analysis/checkup, deposit and/or shipping costs). Buyer must pay all transportation costs to the Seller’s home or Buyer can keep the puppy, accept full responsibility and full ownership of all health bills and must spay/neuter pup. Page 6 HEALTH GUARANTEE VonSila does everything possible to ensure its puppies/dogs are in excellent health and are genetically sound, however, there is a small percentage of risk as with any animal although VonSila puppy’s risk is minimal due to all testing done. One-year hip dysplasia guarantee: A replacement pup only will be provided to the buyer if puppy develops hip dysplasia in both hips. Forms of documentation needed: OFA or PennHIP diagnosis from OFA or PennHIP certified vet specialist. VonSila will not be held responsible for the development of non-genetically derived faults, diseases, or disorders that are due to the Buyer’s negligence and/or abuse. Please note that any form of mange or skin disorder is also an excluded liability. HEALTH & WELL BEING Buyer agrees to maintain this dog in good health, provide routine preventative healthcare, including, but not limited to, inoculations, internal and external parasites, and heartworm preventative medication. Buyer further agrees to provide proper exercise and training to maintain this dog or bitch in proper weight, physical, and mental health. It is also Buyer’s responsibility to meet the following conditions, wherefore, VonSila will not be held accountable if the following conditions are not met: The dog is fed a high quality dog food, and has not had an accident or injury that may cause a condition. The dog has NOT been spayed or neutered before twelve (12) months old (see “Stipulations” section above). The dog has NOT been kept unduly restrained. These are large-breed animals and by the time they are five (5) months of age, they should be kept in a kennel space of no less than 10’ x 20’ and NOT on concrete flooring. Further, they should be allowed sufficient exercise time in a larger space at least twice a day, which is good for the owners too! Extensive confinement WILL cause problems in bone, joint and muscle development and may cause problems with temperament. The dog/puppy will not be sold or transferred to a third party, if so, all health warranties by VonSila Kennels will be null and void. The Buyer is in good standing with the American Kennel Club. The dog, male or female, has not produced a litter. Page 7 RE-HOMING: Due to limited kennel size, VonSila Kennels, is not able to physically accept returned dogs, however, VonSila Kennels will assist in the “re-homing” your VonSila Puppy/dog through face book, breeder networks and/or website advertising if the following conditions ARE MET: Buyer has maintained this dog in good health, provided routine preventative healthcare, including, but not limited to, inoculations, internal and external parasites, and heartworm preventative medication. Buyer has provided proper exercise and training to maintain this dog or bitch in proper weight, physical and mental health. Puppy/dog has not bitten people/animals. Puppy/dog does not meet dangerous dog criteria. Buyers Initials Date Page 8 BUYER’S SIGNATURE REPRESENTS ACCEPTANCE OF THIS ENTIRE CONTRACT WITH SELLER VONSILA KENNELS, LLC FOR PURCHASE OF YOUR DOG/PUPPY. PUPPY DEPOSIT SIGNATURES: BUYER’S SIGNATURE* DATE SELLER’S SIGNATURE DATE PUPPYPICKUPSIGNATURES: BUYER’S SIGNATURE* DATE SELLER’S SIGNATURE DATE Page 9 ENJOY YOUR NEW ADDITION FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS! 10+28=? Please leave this field empty. 36492